Damn I didn't even consider Cyrus potentially going overboard I have a lot to think about now 😅
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Public Build Delayed until the 20th comments · Replied to Sznyflak in Public Build Delayed until the 20th comments
Public Build Delayed until the 20th comments · Replied to Valhir in Public Build Delayed until the 20th comments
Geez are you a f***ing child? Kael has only delayed the due date one other time. Both this and the previous delay were caused by reasonable problems. Looking at your other comments it's obvious you don't enjoy the game for what it is. Constantly saying that Vulgur should've been an optional partner despite the fact Kael has made it clear that this is a linear story with Ranok. So maybe go back to middle school and simp over some other black edgy werewolf.
You also need to try and understand that Kael is a solo developer in a relationship. Not every second of his life needs to be spent fueling your entitled horny ass.